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quick start

This article guides you how to get started quickly with Suiue

Similarly, you can also take a look at the demo that we have prepared to facilitate your understanding.


This tool-kit is developed based on VUE, so you need to make sure you have installed VUE before using this tool-kit

# npm
npm install suiue
# yarn
yarn add suiue
# pnpm
pnpm add suiue


First, make sure you have correctly initialized the VUE project. If you still don’t know how to create it, you can take a look here

Suppose you have a directory with a structure like this


Now, we create a component to wrap App.vue. This component provides a suiue-provider. This is the context that suiue required to run.

<!-- ProviderWrapper.vue -->

<script setup lang="ts">
    import App from "@/App.vue";
    import {SuiueProvider} from "suiue";

      requiredFeatures: [
      autoConnect: 'enable',

For detailed configuration instructions, please refer to Reference

Then you need to install suiue in main.ts and switch the App.vue root mount to ProviderWrapper.vue

// main.ts

import {createApp} from "vue";

// App -> ProviderWrapper
import ProviderWrapper from "./ProviderWrapper.vue";
import {createSuiue} from "suiue";

// App -> ProviderWrapper
const app = createApp(ProviderWrapper);

At this point, you have completed the preliminary configuration work


suiue provides a connect-button based on naive-ui. If you don’t want to use naive-ui, you can still refer to connect-buttonImplementation Customize a connect button yourself.


<script setup lang="ts">
    import {SuiueProvider, NConnectButton} from "suiue";


Now you can click the connect-button above or in the upper right corner of the website, and a pop-up box will pop up to guide you to connect the wallet.


According to the usage habits of VUE, we encapsulate all states into useWalletXxx. If you want to get the status of the wallet, you can use useWalletState


<script setup lang="ts">
    import {useWalletState} from "suiue";

    const state = useWalletState()

    isConnected: {{ state.isConnected }}

isConnected: false

It should be noted that many data in Suiue are wrapped with ref or computed. If you need to reference it in the code, you need to add .value


    click to show isConnected

For more information about state, check out Reference

deconstruction operation

For useWalletXxx, destructuring operation is supported and can be used conveniently.

import {useWalletState, useWalletQuery} from "suiue"

const {isConnected} = useWalletState()
const {suiBalance} = useWalletQuery()
! ! Notice! ! If you use these attributes in a template, it is best to deconstruct them, otherwise unexpected effects may occur.

<script lang="ts" setup>
    import {useWalletState, useWalletQuery} from "suiue"

    const state = useWalletState()
    const {isConnected} = state


    <!-- Directly using state.isConnected does not take effect, you need to add .value -->
    <template v-if="state.isConnected.value">
        suiBalance: {{ query.suiBalance }} MIST

    <!-- isConnected after direct deconstruction takes effect -->
    <template v-if="isConnected">
        suiBalance: {{ query.suiBalance }} MIST



Suiue helps you encapsulate some common wallet query operations during the dapp development process, including Balances, Coins, Objects.

These contents are encapsulated in useWalletQuery


<script lang="ts" setup>
    import {useWalletQuery} from "suiue"

    const {suiBalance} = useWalletQuery()

    suiBalance: {{ suiBalance }} MIST
Connect to show suiBalance

Suiue will query SUI's Balance and coins by default. If you need to get your own data, you can use loadXXX to load it.

import {useWalletQuery} from "suiue"

const query = useWalletQuery()

const barObject = await query.loadObjects("0xyourpackage::foo::bar")

Since loading requires a network request, you can use await to wait for the data to be returned. If you just use the data in the template, you do not need to wait for the return result, which is also responsive.

! ! Notice! ! The current loading of assets is a one-time operation. If you think your assets have changed, you should call `loadXxx` again to update your assets. In the future, we will consider adding a listener to monitor asset changes in real time.

There are several available methods:

  • loadObjects
  • loadCoins
  • loadBalance
  • loadAllBalance
  • loadAllCoins
  • loadAllObjects

for example:


<script setup lang="ts">
    import {useWalletQuery} from "suiue"

    const {loadObjects, objects} = useWalletQuery()

    const objType = ref()


    <n-input v-model:value="objType"/>
    <n-button @click="objType && loadObjects(objType)">Load</n-button>

        {{ objects }}
connect wallet to show objects


Suiue provides useWalletActions to interact with the wallet. To use it, you first need to build a TransactionBlock. Here we take Sponsor Me as an example.


<script setup lang="ts">
    import {useWalletActions, consts, InsufficientBalanceError} from "suiue"
    import {TransactionBlock} from "@mysten/sui.js/transactions";

    const {signAndExecuteTransactionBlock, getExactlyCoinAmount} = useWalletActions()

    const sponsorAmount = ref(5)

    async function sponsorMe() {
        const txb = new TransactionBlock()

        try {
            const coinToTransfer = await getExactlyCoinAmount({
                txb: txb,
                coinType: consts.COIN_SUI,
                amt: sponsorAmount.value * consts.MIST_PER_SUI,

            txb.transferObjects([coinToTransfer], "0xcc05ae5fe806c7df585f5b4bd626a33d14045f2e123e794b16fcfd7949e7f3ef")
            //                                    my address

            await signAndExecuteTransactionBlock(txb)
        } catch (e) {
            if (e instanceof InsufficientBalanceError) {
                alert("Insufficient balance")
            throw e

        <n-input-number v-model:value="sponsorAmount"/>
        <n-button @click="sponsorMe()">sponsorMe!!</n-button>
connect wallet to show action

The supported actions are:

  • signAndExecuteTransactionBlock
  • signTransactionBlock
  • signPersonalMessage
  • getExactlyCoinAmount

More will be supported in the future

! ! Notice! ! Before using the corresponding walletFeatures, you need to set the requiredFeatures in SuiueProvider's config in advance. otherwise an error may be reported!