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This API is used to query wallet information, such as balance, holding objects, etc.

So far, all queries have been one-time and there is no listening functionality. If you think your assets may have changed, you need to load again.

When calling the loadXXX method, you can use await to wait for the query to be completed. If you just want to display in the template, you don't need to wait.



  • type:Reactive<Record<SuiTypeIdentifier, BalanceStruct>>
interface BalanceStruct {
    type: SuiTypeIdentifier,
    coinObjectCount: number
    totalBalance: string

All balance information is stored, the key is the coin type, and the value is the balance information.


  • type:Reactive<Record<SuiTypeIdentifier, ObjectStruct[]>>
interface ObjectStruct {
    type: SuiTypeIdentifier,
    id: string,
    digest: string,
    version: number,
    display?: Record<string, string>
    contents?: {
        id: string,
        [key: string]: any

All object information is recorded, the key is the object type, and the value is the object array.


  • type:Computed<Record<SuiTypeIdentifier, CoinObjectStruct[]>>
interface CoinObjectStruct extends ObjectStruct{
    contents: {
        id: string,
        balance: {
            id: string,
            value: string,

All COIN object information is recorded, the key is coin type, and the value is an array of COIN objects. This attribute actually filters out objects that do not belong to 0x2::sui::coin:COIN in objects.


  • type:Computed<BalanceStruct>

Records the balance information of SUI, which is equivalent to balances['0x2::sui::sui::SUI'].


  • type:Computed<CoinObjectStruct[]>

All object information of SUI-COIN is recorded, which is equivalent to coins['0x2::sui::sui::SUI'].


  • type:Computed<string>

The domain of the current account, or undefined if there is none.


  • type:SuiClient

Exposes the SuiClient object, which can be used to conveniently call other SuiClient methods.


  • type:SuiGraphQLClient

Exposed SuiGraphQLClient object, which can be used to conveniently call other SuiGraphQLClient methods.


async loadBalances(coinType: SuiTypeIdentifier)

  • returns:BalanceStruct

Load balance information for the specified coin type.

async loadAllBalances()

  • returns:Record<SuiTypeIdentifier, BalanceStruct>

Load the balance information of all currency types in the account.

async loadObjects(objType: SuiTypeIdentifier)

  • returns:ObjectStruct[]

Loads all objects of the specified type.

async loadAllObjects()

  • returns:Record<SuiTypeIdentifier, ObjectStruct[]>

Load all objects in the account.

async loadCoins(coinType: SuiTypeIdentifier)

  • returns:CoinObjectStruct[]

Loads all COIN objects of the specified currency type.

loadCoins actually calls the loadObjects method, but adds 0x2::sui::coin::COIN<coinType> as a prefix.

so, all coin will be loaded to objects.

async loadAllCoins()

  • returns:Record<SuiTypeIdentifier, CoinObjectStruct[]>

Load all COIN objects in the account.